Virtual Ski Instruction
Coaching and Consulting
"Elevate your game"
Competent, Quality Consulting and Solutions.

About Us

Who we are

Elevated Innovations was formed in 2011 by Kevin M. Jordan.  Jordan is a ski instructor, trainer, and coordinator for the Ski and Snowboard Schools of Aspen/Snowmass and an Alpine Examiner, Children's Examiner, and Alpine Freestyle Examiner with the Professional Ski Instructors of America - Rocky Mountain Division (PSIA-RM).  In addition, Jordan is the National Ski Instruction Examiner and the Denver Ski Instruction Examiner for the online magazine  In 2013, Jordan was named to the Leadership Team for Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month (January) as a result of his passion for getting people to try the sport.

What we do

In 2011, Jordan saw the need for offering an alternative to private lessons.  While there is still no substitute for the on-mountain experience, virtual coaching (v-COACH) offers a solution for the time-stressed and time-deprived skiers who want to improve his or her skiing skills.  

The unique experience with virtual coaching (v-COACH) allows coaching to occur whenever you want or whenever you need it.  Do you want some tips and coaching before you go on vacation?  Do you want some coaching or instruction while you are on vacation?  Or do you want some instruction after you return from vacation?  It is up to you.  You choose how you want to "Elevate Your Game."  We will be glad to help!

Why we do it

Skiing is fun!  Teaching skiing is even more fun!  We love what we do!  We have some of the best coaches and ski professionals in the industry.  Why not take advantage of them?  You might say, "I don't have the time or money to ski with them."  No problem.  What if you sent them a video of you skiing and they looked at it?  This does two things:  

1.) It calibrates our coaches' eyes so that when you do ski with them, you will get more out of your day than if you were randomly assigned a ski instructor...Think about it.  The more information our coaches have, the better the lesson and lesson planning.
2.) It offers an opportunity to access the best coaches and instructors at a heavily discounted rate.

Elevated Innovations believes that the on-mountain experience and a day on the hill with your coach is valuable.  However, there are alternatives and less expensive ways to improve your skiing.  This is what we are devoted to and why we do what we do.  We want you to get better and if virtual coaching (v-COACH) helps you, then we want you to use it. 

We love helping people and that is our motivation for doing what we do.  We want to inspire lifelong learners and students of the sport of skiing.  We want people to share our passion for the mountains and get out there in the winter time.  After all, skiing is fun!

How we do it

Check out our Services page to learn more about virtual coaching (v-COACH) services and other products we offer.  Be sure to check out the Video Shooting Tips to learn how to create the best video possible on your video camera, smartphone, or digital camera.

Besides Virtual Coaching

Elevated Innovations offers other products and services besides virtual coaching (v-COACH).  We are working hard on a video tool that helps improves a ski instructor's Movement Analysis.  While this product is more specific to ski instructors, recreational skiers can also learn a great deal from it as well.  Movement Analysis or M.A. is when ski instructors talk about skiers (typically students) to other ski instructors.  Elevated Innovations is also designing and developing other educational products that will help skiers and ski instructors.  Stay tuned as we release these products and they become available for use.

Meet the Coaches

Kevin Jordan (

More coaches are in discussions to work with Elevated Innovations.  Check back periodically as we add more coaches.

Elevated Innovations
P.O. Box 5243
Snowmass Village, CO 81615

(970) 682-4PRO
(970) 682-4(776)
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